Push Pull Attachment

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Wide windows in the push plate and gripper jaw allows for excellent visabiity.

4° tilting faceplate when fully extended helps prevent any damage to the product.

Pantograph actuated by two cylinders for better distribution of pushing and pulling forces.

Gripper jaw is actuated by two cylinders, ensuring a perfect force distribution on the clamping bar to help prevent any damage to the slip-sheet.

Rubber-surfaced gripper bar for better slip-sheet clamping.

Fork or carriage mount dependant on full time intermittent use.

SKU: BOS000774 Categories: ,


Good of every kind are now being handled with slip-sheets instead of wooden pallets. Slip-sheets are being used in various industries such as food, beverages, glassware, building materials, agricultural, paper, chemical, hardware and the automotive parts industry.

Bolzoni has the solution to all your slip-sheet handling needs. A complete new range of Push Pull engineered and designed for todays most demanding applications. The dedicated Push Pull for the customer using exclusively slip sheeted loads and the Easy Rider fork-mounted push pull for operations requiring slip-sheets on an intermittent or part time basis.