In an effort to reduce their environmental footprint and improve operational efficiency, Decormax made the strategic decision to transition their forklift fleet from LPG to electric power. We sat down with Luke, Director of Decormax, to learn more about their journey, the challenges they overcame, and the significant benefits they’ve realised by making the switch to electric forklifts.
What motivated you to switch from gas Combilift to electric?
Two fold really, one due to being in the wood industry, we are striving to reduce our impact on the environment but also due to the volatile pricing surrounding LPG.
How long ago did you make the switch?
November 2022 our 2x C4000e arrived.
Can you estimate how much money you’ve saved per month/year by switching to electric forklifts?
Due to our industry’s natural peaks and troughs during the year, it’s difficult to put a concrete number on but I would estimate around £ 3500 per year.
How has the switch impacted your overall warehouse operations and efficiency?
We have found switching to electric C4000e from LPG C4000, the machines are much smoother to operate which benefits us moving panels around the warehouse. The main advantage is the quietness of the electric machines which has made our warehouse a quieter and safer environment.
Was reducing your company’s environmental impact a factor in switching to electric forklifts?
Yes for sure, I believe each company has an obligation to do their part and if we all do a little, the impact overall will be huge.
What has been the feedback from operators who used to drive gas forklifts but now use electric
Initially, we had hesitance but I can understand that. Around 10 days from having the new electric trucks, that disappeared and I don’t think we will go back to LPG now.
Have you noticed any change in operator fatigue with electric forklifts?
Yes, we have found that the warehouse staff are a lot happier working in an environment with electric trucks which in turn has increased their output and overall mood.
What were some of the biggest challenges in making the switch to electric forklifts?
I think the biggest challenge was the staff, we know a lot of people are hesitant with change. Once we announced we were moving to electric, we could sense worry and anxiety within the business. However, that soon disappeared once the trucks arrived and the team had used them.
What recommendations would you give to other businesses considering a switch from gas to electric forklifts?
Just to go with it, the benefits outweigh any concerns. I would be more than happy to sit down with any customers wanting to know about switching to electric within their business.
How have you found the battery life of your electric Combilift?
Extremely good. Our lads stick to a strict charging schedule and the trucks perform perfectly. We could comfortably scale our business, add an extra shift in and have zero concerns about the battery life.