With Michelle Saville
Our ‘Faces of Forkway’ series is where we shine a spotlight on the incredible people who make Forkway the company it is today. This time, we sit down with Michelle Saville from our Dewsbury depot.
How long have you been at Forkway and what is your current role?
27 years. I help manage the company’s vehicles, mobiles, uniforms etc I also deal with supplier invoices and Operator training for Dewsbury.
What was your first day at Forkway like? Can you remember any specific details?
It was the 1st of September 1997 so I don’t remember too much about it! I must have looked very young though, as I had walked there and the high school next to the Morley Branch presumed I was a late student and shouted at me to get to class
How have your responsibilities and roles changed over the years at Forkway?
I started as a very shy and quiet office junior, not much has changed I don’t think.
What’s the funniest or most unexpected thing that has happened to you at work?
Being forced to eat Tuna Mayo by Joanne Croker and throwing up all over the service office straight after, it was unexpected for all.
What is something about Forkway or your job that you particularly like or are proud of?
I am extremely proud to say I have had the same chair for 27 years!!! I was also gifted an expensive crystal vase for my 20 years of service, which was lovely. Unfortunately, I washed it the same day in boiling water and it exploded. I’m still gutted about that, could I put in a request for another one at 30 years, please?
Do you have any pets? If so, can you tell me about them?
I am a huge animal lover, and I definitley prefer them to people. I have two Whippets called Stanley and Dolly and a Tortoise called Alfie
What hobbies or activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I organise a local Parkrun every weekend and spend a lot of my time at races/events. I love a garden centre, and I’ve even attempted to grow my own fruit and veg this year, yes I am that old.
Do you have any favourite travel destinations or places you’d love to visit?
I would love to see the baby turtles hatching and heading for the sea and also swim with Great White Sharks, but I hate flying so I’m grounded in the UK for now, who needs the Caribbean when we have the Sealife centre at Scarb-ados
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Steve Irwin, Princess Diana and Roald Dahl